1890. Dānijas Tautas skaitīšana
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Meklēt kolekcijā 1890. Dānijas Tautas skaitīšana
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1890. Dānijas Tautas skaitīšana
2 188 521 ieraksti
1890 gada tautas skaitīšana Dānijā tika veikta 1890. gada 1. februārī. Tā notika visā Dānijas Karalistē, ieskaitot Fēru salas. Tautas skaitīšanā pierakstītā informācija ir: vārds, dzīvesvieta, dzimums, vecums vai dzimšanas datums, dzimšanas vieta, ģimenes stāvoklis, profesija un reliģiskā piederība.<br><br>Every individual within a household who was a permanent resident as of the census day was enumerated on the Main List (<i>Hoved Liste</i>). Individuals who were temporary residents, or who were temporarily absent from their usual home on census day were enumerated on the Appendix Lists (<i>Tillægsliste</i>). Form <i>"Tillægsliste A"</i> was used for temporary residents and form <i>"Tillægsliste B"</i> was used for temporary absentees. Note: If present, the Appendix List for a locality appears immediately after the Main List pages. Be sure to click forward through the images to see if there is an Appendix List page and find out if there was anyone from your household of interest that was absent on census day. For individuals enumerated on the Appendix Lists, information regarding either their actual residence or temporary whereabouts was requested.<br><br>For market towns (<i>købstad</i>), the census is organized by county (<i>amt</i>), town (<i>købstad</i>), and street (<i>gade</i>). For rural areas, the census is organized by county (<i>amt</i>), district (<i>herred</i>), and parish (<i>sogn</i>). For the municipalities (<i>kommune</i>) of Copenhagen and Frederiksberg, the census is organized by municipality, and then street (<i>gade</i>). The user should also note that the geopolitical boundaries within Denmark have significantly changed since the 1890 census was taken. Between 1970 and 1974 the number of municipal governing regions (<i>kommune</i>) dropped from 1,098 to 275, and then down to 98 in 2007. This collection presents localities in the jurisdictions as they existed at the time of the census.<br><br>Research tip: Individuals often had multiple given names. However, in the census you may find individuals only listed with one of their given names—usually the one the individual most often went by—or even listed by their nickname. If at first an individual cannot be found under a particular given name, try searching for the individual under one of their other given names, or by all of them together.<br><br>This collection is provided in partnership with the Danish National Archives (<i>Rigsarkivet</i>).
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Inge LehmannLinnésgade, København, Denmark
Danish seismologist and geophysicist, she discovered the existence of the earth's inner core.